Talk to an Advisor

L&C Academic Advising provides individualized enrollment assistance to help you choose the program and courses that best fit your goals.

Our professional, on-campus advisors will meet with you to discuss your education and career plans, past records, College Placement Test scores, college transcripts and other available resources. Then, you and your advisor will develop an educational outline adapted to your individual needs, abilities and interests. Academic advisors also provide prospective students with general information related to admissions at L&C.

Make an Appointment Now

Call (618) 468-2222 or send us a message at

Meet our Enrollment Center Staff

Our Mission: The academic advising department at Lewis and Clark Community College provides advising that fosters individual development and learning while treating each student with compassion and respect. As Lewis and Clark advisors, we aspire to serve students in an effective and collaborative manner by providing the knowledge, tools and resources to foster student success and help students achieve their goals.

Enrollment Managers and Academic Advisors

Our academic advisors have specialized knowledge of the degrees and certificates offered at Lewis and Clark and want to make sure you get the most out of your time here. Contact the advisor associated with your preferred program and see how we can tailor your best experience.

Heather Amburg

Heather Amburg
Jerseyville CEC Coordinator
(618) 468-2274
Program(s): Paralegal, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Nurse Assistant, Paramedicine

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Tim Bell

Tim Bell
N.O. Nelson Campus Manager - Edwardsville
(618) 468-5855
Program(s): Management, Accounting

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Amy Bowling

Amy Bowling
(618) 468-5252
Program(s): (Last Names G-L) for Pre-Nursing, Associate in Arts and Associate in Science

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Alex Ferguson

Alex Ferguson
(618) 468-5253
Program(s): Associate in Fine Arts (Art Emphasis), Associate in Fine Arts (Music Performance), Music Production, Radio Broadcasting, Health Information and Medical Coding, Medical Assisting

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Emily DeGrand

Emily DeGrand
(618) 468-4128
Accessibility Advising, Honors College Students

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Rhonda Hampton

Rhonda Hampton
(618) 468-5257
Program(s): (Last Names S-Z) for Pre-Nursing, Associate in Arts and Associate in Science

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Nic Jones

Nic Jones
(618) 468-5256
Program(s): Architectural Technology, Automotive Technology, Child Development, Drafting and Design, Education, Environmental Science, Graphic Design, Information Technology, Pharmacy Technician, Restoration Ecology, Web Design and Development, Welding Technology

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Jenna Kot

Jenna Kot
(618) 468-5251
Program(s): (Last Names M-R) for Pre-Nursing, Associate in Arts  and Associate in Science

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Cathy Laramee

Cathy Laramee
N. O. Nelson Campus Coordinator - Edwardsville
(618) 468-5856
Program(s): Industrial Electricity, Process Operations Technology

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Kaylee Price

Kaylee Price
(618) 468-5114
Program(s): Associate in Engineering Science, (Last Names A-F) for Pre-Nursing, Associate in Arts and Associate in Science

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Sami Ursch

Sami Ursch
(618) 468-5254
Student Athletes, Program(s): Criminal Justice, Exercise Science

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Kelly Wilson

Kelly Wilson
Carlinville CEC Coordinator
(618) 468-2276
Program(s): Dental Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Fire Science

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*Students interested in the Truck Driver Training program should contact the program coordinator, Kent Ripperda, at (618) 468-5797 or

* Students interested in the Solar Installation Certificate of Completion should contact the  Adult Education division.